Mars in the Movies: A History

For Science-Fiction Film Lovers

The new 2016 McFarland book Mars in the Movies: A History by Thomas Kent Miller is the FIRST Mars-specific research tool and reference for science-fiction film lovers and film genre writers. With an extensive Bibliography and Index, the book is a wealth of facts and anecdotes about 100 Mars movies and their creators, including brief biographies of George Pal, Byron Haskin, and more.

Check Out the Book's Blog

Monday, June 19, 2017


Interactive Blog:
Mars in the Movies: A History...Now With Endless Possibilities

The spaceship arriving at Mars.
Conquest of Space (1955) Part 3 of 3

Genre film authority Roy Kinnard has said in Fantastic Films magazine, June 1979, “In examining the plethora of 1950s science fiction movies which deal with the theme of mans’ journeying to other worlds in order to advance his own knowledge, George Pal’s production of Conquest of Space stands head and shoulders above the others...."

See more of the Mars in the Movies: A History extended, interactive blog >>>

My 3-year-old granddaughter and Marvin the Martian.